Quality improvement, patchwork, QFD methodAbstract
The craft of batik patchwork bags was initially less desirable, but now it has become one of the most admired and demanded handicrafts by many Indonesians, even throughout the world. However, increased market development is not matched by a guarantee of product quality. Manufacturers still ignore the importance of the quality of a product. Meanwhile, on the other hand, consumers want quality in the products they consume/use. This study aims to determine the desires and satisfaction of patchwork bag consumers and to find out how to improve the quality of Mitra Collection patchwork bag products.
In this study the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method was used because QFD aims to fulfill as many consumer desires as possible so that it is hoped that it will be superior to competing products and will be more customer focused. So that it can be seen how the realization is between consumer expectations and actual product conditions. This study uses a field research approach with a quantitative model and the research design used is an explorative design. The population in this study were all consumers of patchwork bag collection partners. The sampling method used purposive sampling with a sample of 100 respondents, Yogyakarta collection partner patchwork consumers.
The results showed that the three priorities of consumers' desire to improve the quality of patchwork partner collection bags from the perspective of consumers' wishes were the uniqueness of the product being an important point in purchasing, the artistic value of the product, the artistic value derived from patchwork batik, the combination of attractive patchwork colors, and the combination appropriate patchwork shape.
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