Muhammadiyah dan Gerakan Ekonomi Islam
Komitmen dan Sikap Terhadap Gerakan Ekonomi Islam
Islamic Economic Movement, MuhammadiyahAbstract
Muhammadiyah and the Islamic Economic Movement substantially have the same goals and targets, namely the advancement of religion and the welfare of the people. This relationship is interesting to study, especially with regard to the rise of Islamic economics today and Muhammadiyah's views on economic issues. So the problem that needs to be answered is; 1. What is Muhammadiyah's attitude towards the Islamic economic movement, 2. Are there differences in organizational commitment, community commitment and attitudes towards the format of the Islamic economic movement from Muhammadiyah leaders in terms of the region (YogyakartaJakarta), 3. Why Muhammadiyah is a social organization that has a broad network has not prioritized strategic efforts in the economic field, especially in overcoming the people's economy.
To answer questions number 1 and number 2, research was conducted on 30 Muhammadiyah leaders who were considered representative by using a questionnaire method. For problem number 2, an independent sample t-test was carried out statistically. Meanwhile for problem number 3, a socio-historical analysis was carried out according to the references found. To complete this research, interviews were conducted with several Muhammadiyah Central Executive personnel.
It was found that Muhammadiyah basically agrees with the Islamic economic format. There is no difference in organizational commitment indicating there is no friction within the Muhammadiyah organizational body as well as there is no difference in attitude towards GEI reflecting a commitment to renewal and submission to the decisions of the Tarjih Muhammadiyah assembly. The existence of differences in commitment to the community shows the existence of individual freedom in choosing how to deal with community problems. Muhammadiyah Jakarta is more enthusiastic about seeing problems objectively-empirically compared to Muhammadiyah Jogjakarta. The attitude of the organization prioritizes the formation of the personality and character of economic actors rather than thinking about the formation of an Islamic economic system and network.
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Wawancara penulis dengan Syamsul Anwar Ketua Majelis Tarjih dan Pengembangan
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Wawancara penulis dengan Sukriyanto AR Bendahara Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah pada
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Wawancara penulis deng
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