Pengaruh Transparansi dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Loyalitas Muzakki Pada Lembaga Amil Zakat di Yogyakarta Dengan Trust Sebagai Variabel Intervening
Transparency, Service Quality, Trust, LoyaltyAbstract
This study aims to determine the effect of transparency and service quality on muzakki loyalty at amil zakat institutions in Yogyakarta. This research is a research that uses quantitative methods. The samples in this study were 169 muzakki who paid zakat at amil zakat institutions in the Yogyakarta area. This study uses a questionnaire instrument in the form of a continuous rating scale. The statistical analysis technique used to model the path paradigm is called path analysis. The calculations to analyze the data in this study were carried out with computer aids, namely the SmartPLS program. The results of the study found that transparency has a significant direct effect on muzakki loyalty at amil zakat institutions, service quality has no direct significant effect on muzakki loyalty, trust (trust) has a direct significant effect on muzakki loyalty, transparency has no significant effect on muzakki loyalty through trust ( trust), and service quality has a significant effect on muzakki's loyalty through trust. The magnitude of the effect of transparency and service quality variables on the trust variable is 65.4%, and the remaining 34.6% is influenced by other variables outside this research model. As well as the influence of the transparency variable, the service quality variable and the trust variable on the muzakki loyalty variable of 58.9% while the remaining 41.1% is influenced by other variables outside this research model.
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